If you have been suffering from vision problems, your optometrist might have recommended that you have cataract surgery done. This simple, common procedure could be what you need to regain comfort in your eyes and to begin seeing properly again, but you could be nervous about having it done.

Luckily, being properly prepared for your treatment can help. These are a few things that you can do before your cataract surgery to ensure that you are as ready as possible:

1. Talk to Your Eye Doctor About Your Medication

Well before your procedure, make sure that you bring a list of medication to your eye doctor. He or she can let you know which medications might put you at an increased risk of excessive bleeding during your procedure. Then, you can work with your primary care physician to discontinue the use of this medication prior to your cataract surgery to help prevent complications during the procedure or issues with not taking your medication.

2. Use Antibiotic Eye Drops

Your eye doctor can prescribe you antibiotic eye drops, which you can begin taking a few days before your surgery. This will help prepare your eyes for your treatment and will greatly help reduce the risk of an infection during or after cataract surgery.

3. Take a Few Days Off of Work

Unless there are complications, you should be able to go home the same day that you have your procedure done. However, you might feel dizzy and out of sorts, and you might have trouble seeing well for a few days. Plus, your doctor might recommend that you avoid lifting or other activity for a few days after your procedure. Therefore, it is best to take a few days off of work so that you can rest after having cataract surgery done.

4. Arrange for a Driver

You will probably be feeling groggy after your treatment, and blurry vision might be an issue. Therefore, you will need to arrange for someone else to drive you home after surgery and to take you on any necessary errands for a few days.

5. Fast Before Your Procedure

To help prevent complications with the anesthesia, your doctor will probably recommend that you avoid eating or drinking for a certain number of hours before your appointment. If your doctor has not mentioned this, make sure that you ask before your appointment.

Cataract surgery is a very common procedure, but this does not mean that you shouldn't properly prepare for it. Luckily, following these five steps can help cut down on complications during and after your procedure.
