Damage to the retina is painless, because it doesn't contain any pain receptors. This means that if you have recently been suffering cloudy vision or other problems, your retina could be to blame. Read on to learn more about the symptoms and what you can do if your retina has become detached.


A sudden onset of any vision problems could signify retinal damage. These symptoms include the following:

  • Cloudy or blurred vision that doesn't clear when you blink.

  • Large floaters that appear suddenly.

  • Eye flashes, which seem like a flash of light for no reason.

  • Shadows in the peripheral vision, much like a blind spot.

Explanation and Causes

Your retina is responsible for sending light signals to your brain. If it suffers damage, it can no longer properly send these light signals so it is like a gray curtain or filter is being placed over your vision. It can even lead to blindness if it isn't repaired.

Retinal detachment occurs when the retina thins or becomes damaged. This could be due to genetics or illness or outside damage. For example, any eye or head injury, such as from sports, can lead to a damaged retina. Over-exposure to bright light, such as welding without the proper eye protection, can also damage the retina.

Treatment Options

Once your optometrist has confirmed retinal damage or detachment, treatment can begin. Laser surgery is the main option for minor damage that is caught early. This surgery can repair any tears in the retina. If the retina is becoming detached but is otherwise undamaged, your eye doctor may recommend a procedure that uses cold to develop scar tissue to hold the retina in place.

For retinas that have completely detached, your doctor will first need to get the retina back in place before reattaching it. This is typically done via small sutures that change the shape of the eye so that the retina has no choice but to return to the proper place, or by inserting a gas bubble beneath the retina so your doctor can float it back to its place. You will need to wear an eye patch while you heal. Afterward, the doctor will verify that the retina has reattached and healed. You can expect vision changes after the procedures, so you will likely need a new eyeglass prescription. Contact an optometrist to find the best treatment option for your case.

For eye care, contact an office such as Midwest Eye Care PC.
