As you get older you may find that your vision starts to change. Objects and words that you once saw with ease appear blurry and the first thing you will probably do is go see an optometrist to get a pair of prescription glasses. Although this might be helpful to a certain degree there could still be some lingering issues that cause you a bit of concern. You might even begin wondering why the glasses or contact lenses don't seem to really be doing the trick. If you find yourself experiencing any of the following symptoms it could be time for you to consider making an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Floaters Are Becoming A Problem

Floaters are basically tiny specks of black dots or streams that seem to "float" before your eyes. When they are intense they can make it difficult for you to perform activities such as driving, reading, or making out items in the distance. When they first show up you might ignore them in hopes that it's a temporary situation that will go away on its own. However, if the floaters persist you should definitely go see an ophthalmologist because there could be an underlying medical issue that needs to be addressed.

There are many different reasons why you could be experiencing floaters. They could simply be a normal part of the aging process or there could be something more serious going on. Maybe diabetes is the root cause or there is some sort of inflammation behind your eye that is the source of the malady. Either way, an ophthalmologist is trained to thoroughly inspect the eye so they can diagnose and treat you and hopefully help you walk away in a much better condition.

Your Vision Has Decreased Dramatically

There are times when even the strongest prescription in a pair of glasses just isn't enough for you to recover the vision that you have lost. If you find that your sight has decreased so much that you need help doing things that once came so naturally before you should most definitely see an ophthalmologist. The doctor can examine your eyes to see if perhaps there is a laser or surgical solution that will get you back on track.

If you need a little guidance concerning which ophthalmologist to visit with you can ask your optometrist. They may be able to issue a referral so you can get the help you need.
